Thursday, March 12, 2015

Two Hundred Forty-Nine

March 12, 2015
8.15 Miles in 1:16:58
Mood: Angry at Moose Negligence
Soundtrack: Bright Eyes "Casadaga" / Burlap to Cashmere "Anybody Out There?"

The positive side to leaving the house with the world submerged in utter darkness is that you slowly get to feel the world come to life. Very early in the sunrise process this morning the world took on a dark purple twinged glow. Then it slowly exploded into bright pink, the kind of sunrise that gives the world a rosy glow for about five minutes before turning into a normal sunny day. I love sunrises like that.

Today's photo happened rather late in the run...I had just completed my 7th mile and I saw a wooden moose on a doorstep. No better way to get me to stop than putting a wooden moose by your front door. This moose made me happy, something about the little beady eyes. Then I got a little sad, as I noticed that his left antler was damaged. Looks like these people don't use their front door all that much, as the damaged antler was just sitting there a step below the moose. So either they don't use that door, or these are horrible non moose-fixing people...People capable of walking past their own fractured moose without a modicum of pity. Frankly, these people disgust me. Tend to your moose, folks.

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