Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Four Hundred Thirty

March 9, 2016
7.19 Miles in 1:08:17
Mood: Admiring attempts to draw logos and laughing at human guitar riffs.
Soundtrack: LCS Hockey Show / 99% Invisible / The Allusionist / The Mediocre Show

Drawing the Denver Broncos logo is difficult. It doesn't look that complicated, but the angular geometric nature of the thing makes most hand-drawn efforts look weirdly lopsided. It's hard to balance it perfectly. While this is far from a perfect rendering, It's really not that terrible. I love when places show their support with non-official hand drawn efforts. This particular store window was on some little shop on Broadway, and I liked the charming non-official nature of it's Bronco pride.

The greatest moment of this run came as I was listening to a podcast, and a long time listener to the show called in a voicemail to the hosts asking if they could identify a song that had been used as intro music years ago. That caller then proceeded to sing the guitar riffs of the lyric-less song with great gusto. The music was practically indecipherable, but the humor of a man singing a guitar riff in the hopes that someone would recognize what he was doing was comedy gold. I had to pause my running app for a minute until I could compose my laughter. It was really funny.

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