Monday, April 10, 2017

Six Hundred Nineteen

April 9, 2017
7.50 Miles in 1:11:02
Mood: Spring delight
Soundtrack: The Mediocre Show / Jordan, Jesse, Go! / The Memory Palace

Prior to this week, I had only been to Bible Park one time. It happened on a foggy Sunday in October on during which I loaded up on Charmanders in Pokemon Go. I once again found myself here to catch a Pokemon...this time it was Hoppip who was nesting here. Although the reason for my visit was the same, the park could not have felt more different on this morning. Last time it was dark and spooky this time spring was turned up full blast.

The sun was shining bright, and there was not a cloud in the sky. In addition to these pleasant conditions, the trees were resplendent with pink and white flowers all over the park. The sun shining upon them caused the flowering trees to smell absolutely delightful. I'm not sure I've experienced a better aroma in the history of my running. Inhaling was a treat. Then, in addition to the great smell, these tree were super pink! The sunshine upon them made them look absolutely perfect.

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