Thursday, September 20, 2018

Eight Hundred Sixty

September 20, 2018
4.14 Miles in 40:28
Mood: Annoyed at diabetes.
Soundtrack: Twenty One Pilots "My Blood And A Few Others From Trench" and "Vessel"

For the second time in three runs, I was torpedoed by a low blood sugar. I was legitimately annoyed and angry when I was done this morning, because I had started out so well, and then had to basically give up and walk home. That big long straight line on the map is the point to point where I stopped running and the app stopped tracking my progress up until I ran the final quarter mile just to get myself over 4 miles.

This time I recognized it as a low blood sugar, but my emergency almond butter wasn't enough to stop the problem completely, and neither was a fruit and yogurt parfait that I picked up at McDonalds on my walk home.

At least it was a pretty morning, with a light cool rain that felt amazing. Also, being forced to walk home meant that I walked along Arapahoe Road, a route I pretty much never run along, and I was able to get the photo above of a person's storage shed that definitely supports the military. I've been meaning to take a picture of this shed for literally years, but never really had an opportunity until today. So I take my positives where I can get them.

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