Thursday, May 13, 2021

Twelve Hundred Seventy-Nine


May 13, 2021
8.02 Miles in 1:23:23
Mood: Feeling great and running far.
Soundtrack: Distpatch "America, Location 12"

I decided to start running to the North and West, and I ended up in Belleview Park much quicker than I expected. Then I realized that I had to go back, and I was glad that I left a little earlier than normal, because I was a ways from home. I was distracted by the absolute perfection of a May day that could not have been more beautiful as well as this park decor which from a distance looks a little like a military jet, but as you get closer to it, looks much less like one. It's still very large and a pretty cool thing to put in a park. I read the plaque and learned that it has been standing guard over Belleview Park since 1997. I like it!

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